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Track API

The Track class represents the API related to tracks. You can obtain an instance of a track by using manager.getTrack(i).

interface Location {
  top: number;
  middle: number;
  bottom: number;

declare class Track {
  width: number;
  height: number;
  index: number;
  isLock: boolean;
  location: Location;
  list: Array<FacileDanmaku<T>>;
  lock(): void;
  unlock(): void;
  clear(): void;
  each(fn: (danmaku: FacileDanmaku<T>) => unknown | boolean): void;


Type: number

The width of the track, which may change after you call manager.format().


Type: number

The height of the track, which may change after you call manager.format().


Type: number

The position of this track in the track list of the current container. For example, if index is 1, it represents the second track in the list.


Type: boolean
Default Value: false

Used to determine if the current track is locked.


Type: Array<FacileDanmaku<T>

The list of facile danmaku within this track. If you need to iterate over the list, it is recommended to use the track.each() method.


Type: Location

This attribute represents the height-related position information of the track, measured in px. It is calculated based on the container, and changes when the container is formatted. This property can be especially useful when you need to send a flexible danmaku to a specific track.


  1. If you can determine the height of the danmaku without needing to calculate it, you don’t need to use the getHeight() method.
  2. Ensure that the track you are accessing exists, otherwise it will throw an error. You can check how many tracks are available using manager.trackCount.
  3. When rendering flexible danmaku as shown in the following example, the danmaku itself is not constrained by the track; it is merely rendered at a track's location. Therefore, calling track.lock() on a track will not affect the flexible danmaku.
  4. You can try this code in our online demo by opening your browser's console and entering the code to see the effects.
// Send a flexible danmaku
  { content: 'content' },
    duration: 5000,
    direction: 'none',
    position(danmaku, container) {
      // Render in the fourth track
      const { middle } = manager.getTrack(3).location;
      return {
        x: (container.width - danmaku.getWidth()) * 0.5,
        y: middle - danmaku.getHeight() / 2,


Type: () => void

Used to lock the current track. Once the track is locked, no new danmaku will be sent on this track.


Type: () => void

Unlocks the current track.


Type: () => void

Clears all danmaku within the current track, but does not prevent subsequent danmaku from being sent.

// If you need to clear the track and prevent further danmaku
const track = manager.getTrack(0);



Type: (fn: (danmaku: FacileDanmaku<T>) => unknown | boolean) => void

Iterates over track.list. It is advised to use this method when you need to destroy individual danmaku. Returning false from the callback function will prevent further iterations.

Released under the MIT License.