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Manager Hooks

The hooks for the manager include both the hooks for the manager itself and the hooks for the danmaku.


  1. Danmaku hooks and global hooks are distinguished by the $ prefix.
  2. This section will only introduce the hooks for the manager itself, as danmaku hooks will be covered in the danmaku hooks section.

1. Register during initialization


import { create } from 'danmu';

const manager = create({
  plugin: {
    start() {},
    stop() {},

2. Register through use

The manager.use() API is used to register plugins. If you have external plugins or self-written plugins available, you can also register them using this method.


  start() {},
  stop() {},


Type: SyncHook<[manager: Manager<T>]>

The init hook is triggered when the manager is created. Generally, you will only use this when creating the manager through the create method. This is just syntactic sugar to conveniently get the manager instance.

const manager = create({
  plugin: {
    init(manager) {
      // .


Type: SyncHook<[PushData | Danmaku<PushData>, DanmakuType, boolean]>

The push hook is triggered when sending danmaku. It is triggered when calling manager.push(), manager.unshift(), and manager.pushFlexibleDanmaku(). You can use this hook to access the danmaku data to be sent, the danmaku type, whether it is unshift, and more.

const manager = create({
  plugin: {
    push(data, type, isUnshift) {
      if (manager.isDanmaku(data)) return;
      // Handle flexible danmaku
      if (type === 'flexible') {
        // .
      } else {
        // .


Type: SyncHook

The start hook is triggered when the rendering engine starts. It is only triggered when calling manager.startPlaying().


Type: SyncHook

The stop hook is triggered when the rendering engine stops. It is only triggered when calling manager.stopPlaying().

Type: SyncHook

The show hook is triggered when danmaku are batch changed from hidden to visible. It is only triggered when calling


Type: SyncHook

The hide hook is triggered when danmaku are batch hidden. It is only triggered when calling manager.hide().


Type: SyncHook

The clear hook is triggered when clearing the currently rendered danmaku and danmaku data from memory. It is only triggered when calling manager.clear().


Type: SyncHook<[HTMLElement]>

The mount hook is triggered when the container is mounted to a specified DOM node. You can access the mounted node within the hook. It is only triggered when calling manager.mount().


Type: SyncHook<[HTMLElement | null]>

The unmount hook is triggered when the container is unmounted from the currently mounted node. You can access the node to be unmounted within the hook, if there is one. It is only triggered when calling manager.unmount().


Type: SyncHook

The freeze hook is triggered when the currently rendered danmaku are frozen. It is only triggered when calling manager.freeze().


Type: SyncHook

The unfreeze hook is triggered when the currently frozen danmaku are unfrozen. It is only triggered when calling manager.unfreeze().


Type: SyncHook

The format hook is triggered when the container is formatted. It is only triggered when manually formatting by calling manager.format().


Type: SyncHook<[DanmakuType]>

The render hook is triggered during each rendering poll.


Type: SyncWaterfallHook<RenderData>

interface RenderData {
  type: DanmakuType;
  prevent: boolean;
  danmaku: Danmaku<T>;
  trackIndex: null | number;

The willRender hook is triggered just before the danmaku enters the rendering queue. You can use this hook to prevent the danmaku from rendering. This is useful for implementing features that filter danmaku based on keywords or track index.


Type: SyncHook

The finished hook is triggered when all danmaku in the current memory have been rendered. However, this does not mean that no more danmaku will be rendered in the future, as you may continue to send new danmaku.


Type: SyncHook<[DanmakuType, number]>

The limitWarning hook is triggered when the memory danmaku capacity threshold is exceeded. If you do not set this hook, a warning will be thrown in the console. If you want to cancel the console warning, you can add this hook to handle it yourself.


Type: SyncHook<[Partial<ManagerOptions>]>

The updateOptions hook is triggered when the configuration is updated. It is only triggered when calling manager.updateOptions(). You can use this hook to access the new configuration.


In fact, many methods for changing configurations, such as manager.setRate, internally call the manager.updateOptions() method, which also triggers this hook.

Released under the MIT License.