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Custom Danmaku Styles


Since we can access the DOM node of the danmaku, it is very convenient to customize CSS styles. This is mainly achieved through the manager.setStyle and danmaku.setStyle APIs.


The styles set through the official API will only apply to the root node of the danmaku, which is danmaku.node.

Setting Styles via manager.setStyle

import { create } from 'danmu';

// Styles to be added
const styles = {
  color: 'red',
  fontSize: '15px',
  // .

const manager = create();

// Subsequent rendered danmaku and currently rendered danmaku will have these styles applied.
for (const key in styles) {
  manager.setStyle(key, styles[key]);

Setting Styles via danmaku.setStyle

In this implementation, you might need to leverage manager.statuses to simplify the implementation in real business scenarios.

import { create } from 'danmu';

// Styles to be added
const styles = {
  color: 'red',
  fontSize: '15px',
  // .

// Add hooks during initialization so that new danmaku will automatically have these styles applied when rendered
const manager = create({
  plugin: {
    $beforeMove(danmaku) {
      for (const key in styles) {
        danmaku.setStyle(key, styles[key]);
      // You can also add a `className` to the container DOM here

// Add styles to the currently rendered danmaku
manager.asyncEach((danmaku) => {
  for (const key in styles) {
    danmaku.setStyle(key, styles[key]);

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